A year and a half ago our family took a step of faith. You could say we "got out of the boat". I quit my job. Scott worked during the day and I worked at night so we would not have to put our children in day care. One of us had been working nights since Aaron was born, first Scott, then me. So we hardly saw each other as a family. I had been working for the past two years. I liked it at first, I thought it would be "my time", "time for myself". But then it got old. It was straining my marriage and my family. We needed the money though. The second income helped feed us. I didn't know how much longer I could take living like this. It just didn't seem right to leave my family at night to go to work. I had been asking God for a new job for Scott for a long time. Praying and crying, praying and crying. Finally I told God I was not going to come to Him and complain about this anymore. I wasn't going to say another word about it until He showed me what to do. About a month prior to this I heard " If you believe I am going to give your husband a better job then you step out in faith and leave your job." I said "I can't do that, we won't make it." This wasn't an audible voice, it was a voice in my spirit. I knew it was God and I didn't think we could do it. Back to when I said I wasn't going to complain anymore (yea right), the day after that I heard the same thing I heard a month before. This time it was so strong in me, and I was so tired of our situation, that I listened. The next day I turned in my two week notice. February 8, 2007 was my last day. We stepped out, we were believing God for a new job for Scott and it was going to be "soon". Well, our "soon" and God's "soon" are not the same. I have to say it was a crazy year and a half. Through it all God provided everything we needed. He says He will. He had people bring us food, give us money, and help us in ways we couldn't have imagined. He is good and faithful. Scott applied for 40-50 jobs, and nothing. He finally had a lead in December. The job was in Missouri. He accepted. The training was in Arkansas for 4-6 weeks. After he started they told him he would have to do some training in Ohio for 5 weeks. He quit that job right before he was supposed to start the training in Ohio. He was jobless only about a week though. He got a job with Mothers Against Drunk Driving. And just this July he got a job offer for something closer to home and paid a little more, so he accepted it. He turned in his notice at MADD and they asked him how much money he would need to stay. He told them what we needed and they approved it. He is still working at MADD and we are now making more than what we were when I was working! We can see the promise now. We could see it in the beginning, but in the middle we had a hard time seeing it. We wondered if we really heard God, we wondered if God was really going to do what He said, we had doubt and fear. But God is faithful, we are not, He is. And if I wouldn't have gone through this trial, I wouldn't know how good God really is.